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Each cigar holds a unique story between the folds of tobacco leaves and their filling, and the transition of each flavor is a new page of the story. A story of the hard work and love put into its creation. Every Montecristo white series cigar has a rich history and represents the beauty of its native country.
Montecristo is a name recognized by cigar smokers all over the world. Cigar brands that offer as many variations as Montecristo white series are rare, after all. And to top it off, this Cuban cigar brand represents 85 years of history.
Despite the advancements that have been made over the years in the cigar industry, Montecristo is a brand that remains true to its Cuban roots. It has been slow in adapting to the more modern universal sizes.
Montecristo is the biggest cigar-selling brand in the world. This brand is owned by Imperial Brands plc., England, UK, which is the largest manufacturer of cigars. Altadis USA, a subsidiary of Imperial Brands, owns more than half the Cuban cigar market in the United States. Among these Cuban cigar brands is the worldwide cigar giant, Montecristo.
Altadis, being one of the largest cigar companies globally, has access to the finest tobacco leaves from growers worldwide. The company is committed to providing consumers with high-quality products that provide the best experience every time you smoke, and they have been successful in fulfilling their mission.
Moreover, the company has managed to maintain its luxurious, premium quality and flavor at a considerably fair price. Adult connoisseurs are mostly attracted to the fine consistency and the remarkable construction of the Altadis USA cigars.
Founding Year: 1935 Tobacco Country: Cuba Factory: H. Upmann
This Cuban cigar brand first started out 86 years ago in La Habana, Cuba. The humble start of this cigar is a far cry from where it stands today, as it’s currently the most widely sold Cuban cigar in the world.
Through the years, Montecristo has upheld its reputation as the finest cigar in the world. Montecristo cigars have become legendary for their ultra-smooth taste and sweet aroma and are widely recognized as the world’s most famous cigars.
Named after the Tuscan Island where the hero of the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo” found his mentor buried, the cigar shows visible links to the inspiration taken by the novel in its logo. Alonso Menéndez and José “Pepe” García, the minds behind this phenomenal creation, founded the Menéndez García Y Cía firm and met with such success that shortly after, they were able to purchase H. Upmann, the largest factory in Cuba.
However, the brand has faced many ups and downs in its lifetime, until finally it was possessed by the Castro regime. This left the family penniless. Nonetheless, with a passion to restore the family legacy, Alonso, with his family, moved to the United States.
Now Montecristo in the U.S. rests in the family of Altadis brands, which is the same brand to which the Cuban Montecristo of origin also belongs. The two are celebrated for their distinctive flavors and rich history. For the U.S., Montecristo is still rolled by hand in Tabacalera Garcia in the Dominican Republic and is commended for being a smooth, classic smoke.
Montecristo cigars have always been hand-rolled. They are of medium strength; in fact, it has become the standard by which all other cigars are now judged. The brand has been successful in maintaining its reputation as one of the finest cigars on the market.
Moreover, it is rightfully one of the biggest cigar brands out there considering its ever-growing portfolio. The company refuses to rely on its past achievements and has continued to introduce an array of new blends and flavors. The most appealing feature of all, Montecristo Cigars are available in every conceivable shape, strength, wrapper color, and size to accommodate your smoking needs.
The Montecristo cigar brand has introduced many ranges, each of which has unique blends, flavors, sizes, and shapes. They come in a variety of wrappers and fillers, with different ring sizes. Moreover, The initial Montecristo lineup has been known for its earthy and spicy notes, reminiscent of cocoa and coffee.
The newer additions include the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua, Montecristo Original, Montecristo Classic Series, Montecristo White Series, and Montecristo Platinum series. Additionally, there are the Montecristo Nicaragua series, Montecristo Epic, Montecristo Epic Craft Cured, Montecristo Cincuenta, Montecristo White Vintage Connecticut, Espada by Montecristo, and Montecristo Espada Oscuro.
As well as, as was hinted at above, Montecristo cigars come in a variety of fillers, binders, and sizes. With context to sizes, Montecristo is the only Cuban brand with a surviving “A” size, which is a 9 ¼ inches smoke. The brand has been slow in joining the robusto bandwagon, even though robusto is the most popular size worldwide. However, The Cuban Montecristo only has one size that comes close to the robusto, which is the Montecristo Línea 1935 Dumas. However, the non-Cuban Montecristo has several cigars of this size.
1. Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua
This series comes in Nicaraguan wrapper, encased in Nicaraguan binder and filler. They are available in a wide array of sizes consisting of:
DEMI: 46 x 51⁄2 NO. 2: 52 x 61⁄8 TORO: 54 x 6 CHURCHILL: 52 x 7
2. Montecristo Original
This range has a wrapper in Connecticut Shade, a Dominican binder, and a filler. It comes in a choice of six sizes to meet the needs of all consumers. These sizes are:
NO. 3: 44 x 51⁄2 No. 1: 44 x 65⁄8 No. 2 (Torpedo): 50 x 6,
Double Corona: 50 x 61⁄4 Robusto: 50 x 5 Churchill: 50 x 7
3. Montecristo Classic Series
This blend has a Connecticut Shade wrapper and Dominican filler and binder. This also comes in a variety of sizes that are:
Tubo Especial: 44 x 51⁄2 Especial No. 3: 44 x 51⁄2 Especial No. 1: 44 x 65⁄8
Robusto: 52 x 5 El Conde En Tubo: 52 x 6 Toro: 52 x 6 No. 2: 52 x 61⁄8
Churchill: 54 x 7
4. Montecristo White Series
This series has an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper, encased in a Nicaraguan binder, and a Dominican and Nicaraguan filler.
Moreover, this again offers a huge range of sizes to choose from:
Especial No. 3: 44 x 51⁄2 Montecristo Court En Tubo: 44 x 51⁄2
Especial No. 1: 44 x 65⁄8 Robusto Grande En Tubo: 52 x 5 Rothchilde: 52 x 5
No. 2: 52 x 61⁄8 Toro: 54 x 6 Toro Grande En Tubo: 54 x 6 Churchill: 54 x 7
5. Montecristo Platinum Series
The Montecristo Platinum series comes in a San Andrés Cubano wrapper, with Dominican binders and Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian fillers.
This range also comes in six choice sizes that adapt to the smoker’s needs:
No. 3: 44 x 51⁄2 Robusto: 50 x 5 Rothchilde En Tubo: 50 x 5
Toro: 50 x 6 Churchill En Tubo: 50 x 7 No. 2: 52 x 61⁄8
6. Montecristo Nicaragua Series
This cigar is available in Nicaraguan wrappers that are covered by Nicaraguan binders and Nicaraguan fillers. This range has rated 93 by Cigar Aficionado and it has gained wide popularity because of its popular size Robusto.
Furthermore, it is available in other sizes as well that are:
Robusto: 54 x 5 Toro: 54 x 6 No. 2: 52 x 61⁄8 Churchill: 56 x 7
7. Montecristo Epic
This range comes in an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that has a Nicaraguan binder and a Vintage Nicaraguan and Dominican Tobaccos filler. Additionally, it is available in three classic sizes:
Churchill: 56 x 7 Toro: 52 x 6 Robusto: 52 x 5
8. Montecristo Epic Craft Cured
The Montecristo Epic Craft Cure has a Vintage 2006 Rosado Oscuro wrapper encased in an Ometepe binder, and an Esteli, Jalapa, and Condega filler. This blend is also available in three choice sizes:
Toro: 52 x 6 Robusto: 52 x 5 Belicoso: 52 x 61⁄8
9. Montecristo Cincuenta
This blend comes in an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, with a Dominican binder, and filler from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. However, this blend is only available in a sole size which is:
Toro: 50 x 6
10. Montecristo White Vintage Connecticut
This choice of cigars is available in a Vintage Connecticut Shade wrapper that grown in the U.S.A. in Montecristo Exclusive Farms, Exclusive to Altadis U.S.A. It uses Nicaraguan binders.
Moreover, it has Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian fillers. This also comes with three choices in terms of size:
No. 3: 44 x 51⁄2 No. 2: 50 x 6 Double Corona: 50 x 61⁄4
11. Espada by Montecristo
Espada by Montecristo uses a Habano Jalapa Vintage 2010 wrapper and a Habano Jalapa Vintage 2009 binder. It has Habano Jalapa Vintage 2008, Habano Jalapa Ometepe Vintage 2008 and Habano Condega Vintage 2008 fillers.
Furthermore, it comes in three different sizes that are:
Guard: 50 x 6 Ricasso: 54 x 5 Quillon: 56 x 7
12. Montecristo Espada Oscuro
This blend comes in a Nicaraguan wrapper with a Nicaraguan binder and filler. It also offers a choice in three sizes.
Ricasso: 54 x 5 Guard: 50 x 6 Quillon: 56 x 7
13. Montecristo Pilotico Pepe Mendez
This cigar series has an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper which is contained within a Dominican binder, along with a Nicaraguan and Dominican filler. It is also available in three sizes:
Robusto: 50 x 5 No. 2: 50 x 6 Toro: 52 x 61⁄4
14. Monte by Montecristo AJ Fernandez
It comes in an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, enclosed in a Criollo 98 binder and a Criollo 98 and Piloto Cubano filler.
This also gives four choices in terms of size:
Robusto: 54 x 41⁄4 Corona: 44 x 5 Toro: 55 x 6 Belicoso: 54 x 61⁄8
15. Monte by Montecristo
This blend comes in an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, encased in a Dominican Olor and Vintage Nicaraguan binder, also with aged Dominican filler. It is also available in four sizes that are:
Conde: 48 x 51⁄2 Toro: 52 x 6 Jacopo No. 2: 54 x 61⁄8 Monte: 60 x 6
Considering the name Montecristo has made for itself in the premium cigar category, it is unsurprising that consumers start with high expectations when they smoke any cigar from this brand.
Montecristo is known for its medium strength that appeals to the palate of both new and experienced smokers alike. Moreover, Their cigars offer a huge variety of blends and flavors, ready to accommodate the profile of any consumer with a variety of choices in sizes and flavor.
The burn is smooth, the cigar is well-constructed, it has a fine burn line, and also takes adequate time to smoke. However, Montecristo is a cigar that has it all, fine taste, construction, build, and also a luxurious experience
For anyone who enjoys a premium cigar and also dares to experience the taste profile of a Cuban, Montecristo is the way to go. Because it is a cigar that has made its worth known throughout the world.